Monday, May 28, 2012

Free Materials + Imagination and Sweat = Fun and Food

Starting a new raised bed is easy with some cardboard over the grass and then pile soil on top. We got the soil free off Craiglist!

The boards were free too, laying around the yard when we moved here. We pounded short 2x4 stakes in the ground at the corners and then screwed the boards to them.

I back filled the box with the soil and then planted it with the tomato and cuke starts from the greenhouse. On the ends I planted a couple of squash plants, figuring that those and the cukes can cascade over the sides of the box as they grow.

These little boxes were another free Craiglist find from last year, filled with our free soil and then the bamboo stakes were found on the side of the road and make great places for the peas to climb!

This little bed is going well with peas and some yellow bush beans on the outside of the circle. They're climbing on some bamboo poles we got guessed it, Craigslist and the rocks came from our neighbour accross the street who gave us several wheelbarrow loads of black, gooey soil dug from his ditch. I considered it black gold and my good husband brought it all back, rocks and all, for our gardening use.

All of our neighbours are great, though I must admit I do like a little privacy in the garden. We planted the hedge last year and now as it grows I am making more trellis contraptions from bamboo. This pot will have giant scarlet runner beans and in the background is a trellis I made for the hops to climb on.

These tomatoes are quite happy with the south western exposure and the lettuce goes along for the ride. Free bricks from Craigslist surrounding... Behind is the patio screen we built in the fall and next will be a planter on the ground in front of it, filled with climbing cucumbers and some nasturtiums I think. Gardening is cheap entertainment for me and we get food as a bonus. Hope you get a little inspiration from seeing what can be done with a little dirt and some imagination. Have fun!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rainy Day In The Garden

Someone saw my garden the other day and she said "It looks so organized!" I laughed because really, besides my little plan of where I'd like to see things, the garden feels like a totally creative process and pretty adhoc. See the grass clippings I scrounged from our kind neighbour accross the road, the day she was mowing the lawn. I like to put this between the rows to keep weeds down and put nitrogen back into the soil.. When it gets hot I like to surround the plants with grass clippings too, to keep the soil moist. See my potato cage in the background by the compost bin.

This whole area was gravel and thanks to a couple of truckloads of woodchips, lots and lots of raking and then some soil, rocks, free bricks from Craiglist and just some seeds, trust, sunshine and water. It's turning into a nice little oasis with St. Francis presiding over the herb garden.

Just a few rainy day garden photos. It's great to see things coming up, now that all the hard work is done for a while. The potatoes are doing what they're supposed to in their cage, getting gradually backfilled as they send out shoots, till the whole thing is full of a million potatoes. The rest of things are growing well, with the sun we've been having and days like this are also welcome! I have some different stuff like okra and eggplants growing in the greenhouse, where they'll stay all summer because it's hot in there!