Friday, March 30, 2012

A Million Potatoes the Easy Way!

This was one of my compost piles where I put leaves, grass clippings, pine cones and the chicken droppings I clean out of the coop. It's a nice, fertile place for potatoes to grow! So I moved the pile of compost and laid down a couple handfulls of some exotic purple, red and banana potatoes with eyes growing on them. The next part is the key and will save you a lot of digging. Using a piece of fencing wire made into a round cage, I just set this on top of the pile of potatoes, which I've lightly covered with compost. I used some bamboo poles, gleaned from neighbours who were cutting a bunch down and didn't want to deal with it and it is a great find for me I'll tell you...Anyhow, I just used three skinny poles, stuck into the ground, to hold the wire cage from tipping over and voila! Instant potato garden! The pile of compost I have reserved to gradually pile on top of the growing potato plants as they emerge. By the end of summer it'll be filled to the top and flowering potatoes will be shooting out everywhere! Be sure to keep it watered but other than that, when the flowers die off, tip the whole thing over and have a million potatoes to enjoy!

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