Saturday, March 10, 2012

What I love about seeds and planting them is that is takes trust to believe that a tiny dry seed will turn into something miraculous. You put it in the soil and give it some water and light, keep the weeds from overtaking it and every day, take a look to marvel at the progress. Life's like that too. We plant the seeds of ideas and take the chance that by putting ourselves out there, things might just work. We have to trust because we know that trusting somehow helps. And then we nurture our ideas and plans. We tell others about what we want to do and that puts more force behind doing what we believe. We keep the weeds of negativity and apathy from overtaking our cherished plans and fledgling ideas by being positive and doing all we can to feed the seeds and tiny seedlings of our hopes and dreams. Then we stand back and marvel at our progress and are thankful that we took the chance to try something. That's part of why I love growing things....

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