Friday, March 9, 2012

What's a Green Heart?.

Where did the name Green Heart come from you ask? There's several reasons including the fact that it is Springtime and so much is green in the world. If you are someone who is familiar with the concept of chakras, the heart chakra happens to be green, which is fitting because it's always growing! When something is green, it is said to be new, fresh, young and innocent, which are all the qualities of an open heart. Finally, growing things is so close to my heart and that started as an eight year old child, when I was given some seeds for a Kiwanis Club gardening contest. I had no clue how to grow things but I got a shovel and dug up the sod in our backyard, planted my beet, carrot and lettuce seeds and faithfully watered them every day. To my amazement, things grew! In fact, my softball sized beets won first prize and I was forever enchanted with growing a garden.
Green Heart emerged in the same "accidental" kind of way and I just started growing sunflower seeds, until I got the idea that these portable little gardens could be the start of something to help connect more people with the miracle of our earth and how with just a little help, we can provide for ourselves and others.

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