Thursday, April 26, 2012

Self Sufficient Salad

 I made a beautiful salad this morning...
Arugula from the greenhouse, chives from the garden, sunflower sprouts from the window sill and eggs from the backyard flock. Awesome tasty....

I'd cut the greenhouse arugula yesterday and the sprouts had been growing on the kitchen window sill for the past week or so. I boiled the eggs last night, intending to eat them sometime today...So I went outside, got some chives, put it all together and sat down to eat, then said..."Wait a darn minute! This is amazing!!! I have to at least take a photo or two and just marvel at it all and give thanks. Thank you earth, chickens, rain, sun and birds and bees for all of the miracles in the food we eat.
 Life should never be taken for granted.


  1. Hi Rebekah! I have enjoyed your blog. Your photos are inspiring. Thanks for sharing all the fun you have been having. Gail

    1. Hi Gail, Thanks! I'm so happy you like sharing the wonders of growing things with me. The garden is lush with so much rain, now with a little more sun things will really be popping! Stay tuned for more posts and happy gardening! :) Rebekah
